大克 Vs. 噩梦 的新闻发布会视频!(请搂抱兄翻译)

查看248 | 回复5 | 2023-9-4 05:08:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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aac薇钱馨l1 | 2023-9-4 05:08:37 | 显示全部楼层
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b薇可馨446xbb | 2023-9-4 05:08:45 | 显示全部楼层

“I’m very happy to be here fighting in Los Angeles. I want to thank everyone for making this fight come true.

“I’ve fought here two times and I won both times. I was ahead on the scorecards when the doctor stopped the fight (against Lennox Lewis). I am so happy to be back in L.A., back in the Staples Center and back fighting in the U.S.

“Everyone is interested in this fight. Everyone has a prediction. Both fighters have a great KO ratio. If you ask me who will be the winner of the fight, I don’t know.

“I know I studied him very well. I know he is a good fighter. He’s Mexican, so you know he has heart. He’s the first Mexican I’ve fought. This will be a very interesting fight for not just the fans, but for me.

“Everyday I think about how I am going to fight him. I’m ready for this fight and I know this will be a real battle. Everyone says that this fight will not go the distance. I don’t think it will either.

“No one can give a prediction. We know he is a very good fighter with a great KO percentage.

“I show my skills in the ring. Who will be the winner? The one with more skills. I have my skills, Cris has his. Who will be the winner? You will see on Sept. 26.

“I can’t explain my strategy. I want to present my style in the ring.

“This is heavyweight boxing. It’s two punchers. No one knows what will happen, that’s why I prepare to finish the fight inside 12 rounds. But, I am ready to fight all 12 rounds. I am ready for anything that can happen.

“I’m an old man. I have pain. But, don’t worry. I’m feeling much better. I had a good performance against (Samuel) Peter. I stopped (Juan Carlos) Gomez. I will do the same against Arreola.

“I know Shaq (Shaquille O'Neal) is a big boxing fan. If Shaq wants, I will be happy to be his teacher on his reality show.

“Cris’ knockout ratio is much higher than David Haye. He’s undefeated. He’s fought his whole career at heavyweight. David just made his first step. It’s too big of a difference (between cruiserweight and heavyweight). In my opinion, Cris is a much stronger and a much better opponent.

“Cris isn’t much of a trash talker. He doesn’t make as much noise (as Haye).

”My goal is to take the last world title for the Klitschko family and control the heavyweight division. To have all the titles, that’s our goal. Right now, I feel like I have more experience than I did before (prior to his brief retirement due to injuries).

Joking to Arreola: “I see you have respect for older people. Please, don’t hit me too hard. I am 10 years older than you. I have better skills than Cris and I want to show that on Sept. 26.”


“There isn’t going to be a lot of trash talking. I’m here to fight. I’m here to make history.

“I’m going to make him a pop culture question: ‘Who did Cris Arreola beat to become the first Mexican-American heavyweight in the world?’ I’m honored by this and it’s not just the opportunity. It’s history. It’s hard for me to even describe.

“I’ve never been into trash-talking. I respect the man and so we’ll save all our trash-talking for the ring.

“Any man is beatable. If you’ve got two hands you can beat any man. He has a chin and I have a chin. It only takes one punch. I’ve said it before: We’re in the hurt game and one of us is going to get hurt. I just hope it’s not me.”

TOM LOEFFLER, Managing Director, K2 Promotions

“We’re really excited to bring this to Los Angeles. It’s a natural here. Vitali has a place here, his children were born here. He really considers this (Staples Center) his home arena in the U.S.

“This fight is a natural in L.A. Vitali has a great KO ratio, but we know that Cris is not going to run. For the fans, this is going to be a great fight.

“We priced this event correctly. For a fight like this, you would expect higher prices. But we wanted it to be very affordable, especially in this economy, and we expect a sold out house on Sept. 26

BERND BOENTE, Managing Director, Klitschko Management Group

“We’re very happy to be here at the Staples Center again. This is fun fight for the fans.

“We did this in a very short time period. Our cruiserweight champ (David Haye, who was scheduled to fight Vitali but withdrew) got cold feet and needed a tune-up. This is definitely a better fight for the fans.

“It’s a great heavyweight fight for fans here in the U.S. and worldwide. I think we’ll have more than 100 countries covering this fight.

“Vitali will show a great performance and defend his title.

“The heavyweight division is the best division in boxing. If this is a great fight for the fans, then we’re all winners.”

HENRY RAMIREZ, Arreola’s Trainer

“A lot of people say we’re cashing Cris out meaning we’re going for the money by fighting Klitschko. I can tell you we’re not cashing out, we’re going to break the bank and win. Come Sept. 26, Cris is going to rise to the occasion and bring home the world title to the U.S.”

DAN GOOSSEN, Arreola’s Promoter

“Right now, Cristobal is a monster. He wants to rip your head off. Cristobal’s been asking for this fight for a long time. He could have fought Wladimir, which everyone says would have been an easier fight. This is a chance to put boxing back on the covers of magazines and on the front pages of newspapers. But, it’s got to be a good fight and that’s what this is.

“One of the problems Vitali has had when he comes over to fight in America is the way he fights. The fans here don’t want to see jabs. They don’t want to see hugging or grabbing. They want to see a fight. Unfortunately, today’s fans expect a lot more. I believe that this is going to be one of the greatest nights of heavyweight fighting since the days of Mike Tyson. This will get people excited about the heavyweight division again.

“One of the things that our sport has really lacked in is making the biggest and best fights that the public want to see and, quite frankly, what the fighters want to take part in. That’s what we have on Sept. 26. It’s truly a fight that fans can get excited about.

“We want to see that statue of Arreola in front of Staples Center soon.”

DAN BECKERMAN, Chief Operation and Financial Officer at AEG

“We’re really excited about this fight and that the two sides have come together to make it happen. Cristobal Arreola has fought at AEG venues in the past including Home Depot Center in Carson and Citizens Bank Arena in Ontario. We feel the tickets are priced well for the fans for a fight of this magnitude.”

LEE ZEIDMAN, Senior Vice President & General Manager, STAPLES Center

“We are very proud to be involved in this historic fight. Vitali has fought multiple times at events owned by AEG, including twice at Staples Center. This will be the third main event he has fought at Staples, the most of any fighter. He has also fought at the O2 World in Berlin, Germany. On Sept. 26, these two men are going to battle it out for the heavyweight title and we’re happy to be hosting this great event.”
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aa2l1a周小雅 | 2023-9-4 05:09:27 | 显示全部楼层


“我已经在这里打的2倍,我赢得了时间。我前面的记分卡时,医生停止了战斗(对刘易斯) 。我很高兴能回到洛杉矶,回到斯台普斯中心和回战斗在美国








“我是老人。我的痛苦。但是,请不要担心。我感觉好多了。我有一个很好的表现(塞缪尔)彼得。我停下来(胡安卡洛斯)戈麦斯。我会做同样的反对Arreola 。


“克里斯'淘汰率远远高于大卫海牙。他不败。他打他的整个职业生涯重量级。大卫只是他的第一步。这是太大的差别(之间cruiserweight和重量级) 。在我看来,克里斯是一个更强大和更好的对手。

“克里斯是没有太大的垃圾桶健谈。他并不多噪声(如海牙) 。

“我的目标是采取过去的世界冠军头衔的小克里琴科家庭和控制重量级司。将所有的图书,这是我们的目标。现在,我觉得我有更多的经验,我比以前(之前的短暂退休因为受伤) 。

开玩笑,以Arreola : “我看到你,尊重老年人。请不要打我太硬。我10年比你年纪大。我有更好的技能比克里斯,我想表明,在9月26日。 “



“我将让他成为一个流行文化的问题: '谁击败克里斯Arreola成为第一个美墨重量级的世界吗? '我很荣幸这个和它不只是机会。它的历史。这是我很难甚至描述。


“任何人打败。如果你有两只手就可以击败任何人。他的下巴和我有一个下巴。只需要一冲。我已经说过它面前:我们是在什么游戏之一,我们是会受到伤害。我只希望这不是我。 “










“重量级科是最好的司拳击。如果这是一个伟大的斗争的球迷,那么我们都是赢家。 “



但GOOSSEN , Arreola的启动子




“我们希望看到雕像Arreola前面的斯台普斯中心很快。 ”

但贝克曼,行政业务和财务干事, AEG公司

“我们非常高兴这一斗争和双方走到一起,使之成为现实。克里斯托瓦尔Arreola已发生在AEG公司在过去的场地,包括Home Depot的中心卡森和公民银行竞技场在安大略省。我们认为,票价也为球迷为打击这种规模。 “

李ZEIDMAN ,高级副总裁兼总经理,斯台普斯中心

“我们非常自豪能够参与这一历史性的斗争。维塔利已经多次战斗在AEG公司拥有的事件,其中包括两次在斯台普斯中心。这将是第三个主要活动,他已在洛杉矶进行,最多的战斗机。他还战斗在O2的世界在柏林,德国。在9月26日,这两名男子将战斗出来的重量级冠军,我们很高兴能主持这次伟大的事件。 “
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m薇钱馨2l1 | 2023-9-4 05:10:08 | 显示全部楼层
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f李mm四mmbb | 2023-9-4 05:10:32 | 显示全部楼层
大克:“请别太用力打我,毕竟我比你大10岁。” d1.gif
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