
查看527 | 回复8 | 2023-10-8 21:46:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

文章太长,太乱,俺就不献丑了,有兴趣的自己看。下面是原文链接 d2.gif

Roughly two and a half hours after meeting Floyd Mayweather for the very first time face to face, and exchanging phone numbers at a now historic Heat basketball game in Miami, Manny Pacquiao receives a phone call from "Money" and decides to reach for change.
"Let's flip a coin," Manny says to advisor Michael Koncz. "I'm calling 'Heads' he wants to meet with me tonight, and 'Tails' he's going to lie."
After letting the call go to voicemail, the Filipino icon decides to put the message on speaker. "Manny this is Floyd... We need to talk. Once again, we gotta find a way to work this fight out for the fans. How about me and your people meet for dinner to go over some things? Gimme a call when you get this."
"Well.. Whatta ya think? Whatta ya wanna do?" Asks an amused Koncz.
Taking a moment to reflect on Koncz's disposition and continuously looking at both sides the coin with a wry smile, Pacquiao decides against this meeting while directing his advisor to an article released by "FightHype" immediately after their meeting.
After reading that incredulous account, the two exchanged looks of bewilderment, not unlike the kind you'd offer the world if you just realized you've stepped in sh*t. "I'd rather eat crumbs with bums, than eat steaks with snakes," dead-panned Pacquiao. "If he wants to meet me, we can meet at the hotel."
Turns out Pacquiao was right.
Floyd not only met with Pacquiao later on at that hotel, but he brought along a secret video camera as well. He did this to leak footage offering evidence of his abject desire to make this long awaited fight. The astute and intelligent know that this was merely designed to cover his ass in the event that attempts he made to block fight (which he would not record or release) were successful.

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cl1l1c武纸鹤 | 2023-10-8 21:46:10 | 显示全部楼层
偷拍不好 d1.gif
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44b王小雅 | 2023-10-8 21:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
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c33f张三 | 2023-10-8 21:46:59 | 显示全部楼层
拍了视频是偷拍 d1.gif 不拍视频就说没有宾馆会面这回事 d2.gif 趴迷高招 d3.gif 咋做都通杀 d4.gif
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d杜冷22丁1 | 2023-10-8 21:47:38 | 显示全部楼层
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c6xxa6xxaf张三 | 2023-10-8 21:48:22 | 显示全部楼层
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c千纸鹤a2l1a | 2023-10-8 21:48:36 | 显示全部楼层
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c36b王小雅 | 2023-10-8 21:48:55 | 显示全部楼层
帕迷不喜欢证据 d1.gif
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m薇周馨2l12l1 | 2023-10-8 21:49:19 | 显示全部楼层
神奇杨小邪 发表于 2015-2-16 16:15
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